MAME for OS/2 .37 beta 14 source code has been released

At the request of several, the complete source tree to the last available OS/2 port of MAME (Multi-Arcade Machine Emulator) has been cleaned up and released. This source code was updated to work with the latest release of the DualMode library (which is included in the source package). This version is a bit more stable than the one that was originally distributed with MAME.

Emu-OS/2 Web site has a new home!

After many months of being unreliable, out of date, or just plain unreachable, the Emu-OS/2 Web site (formerly is back "at home" at OS/2 Netlabs. Many thanks to Adrian for hosting me here as well as providing an extremely easy to use web interface to keep the site up to date!

This is the new official home of the MAME, Retrocade, and SNES9x for OS/2 projects. Once the site is fully operational, keep your eyes opened for some new releases. :-)

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